Food, Fact & Faith – March 20th

Feeling so much peace going into this week. Although that was the last thing I expected to feel, I’ve been overwhelmed with the love and support of my community. You are amazing! 

FAITH:  Whoa. How did I not see that Psalm sooner? I will be using my bedtime app religiously now. I can’t serve Him well, or hit that to-do list effectively, if I don’t prioritize rest.

Psalm 127:2 “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.”

FACT: I baked for a local restaurant’s brunch buffet in high school. Thus, I freaking love to bake. But now I usually hold back until it’s Christmas or my husband’s birthday because cleaner baked good are 1) time consuming and 2) more expensive.

I prefer to just stick to the basics throughout the week. But, I wanted to get creative for my recent Further Food takeover. I’m bringing you the pancake recipe I created with simple ingredients that won’t break the bank. You can source all of these from Trader Joe’s or Kroger and snag a deal on collagen peptides; the most expensive part, or simply exchange for an equal weight of whey/egg white protein. 


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  • 6 eggs
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted
  • 1/4 cup Further Food collagen peptides
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • Coconut oil spray
  1. Crack the eggs into a medium mixing bowl and mix. Add the coconut oil, almond milk and vanilla extract and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add the coconut flour and collagen peptides and mix until smooth.
  3. Add the baking soda and salt and mix lightly. Over-mixing will cause the pancakes to be less fluffy!
  4. Melt coconut oil in a large skillet on medium heat.
  5. When hot, spoon the batter into the skillet in circles. The batter will be more thick than normal pancake batter.
  6. Flip the pancakes when they are browned on the bottom and cook until done.
  7. Transfer to a plate and top with my favorite, cashew butter and fresh berries!

FOOD: Although I had some delicious meals from the Whole Foods Market hot bar, Zoe’s new spring menu and BBBop this week, I wanted to share my simple go-to for a simple protein each week. This chicken has saved me more than once when I’m in a bind to make a quick and balanced dinner. Try it tonight! Or, better yet, let it cook while you’re at work.

FRUGAL DEAL OF THE WEEK: Did you see the newest installment of Thrifty Thursday? I posted deals from ALL my favorite grocery stores; ALDI, Whole Foods Market & Sprouts. Don’t miss out!

P.S. Someone commented about that Primal Kitchen Mayo for $7 at Costco, HOLLA. 

 Witness good nutrition by making an appointment. 
Send me a love letter, here:

Food, Fact & Faith – March 11th

13 days later, I’m back! I swear I’ve written two newsletter publications since then, but alas, that was just in my mind. I get SO much done in my busy little brain but I’m still working on the conversion rate to actual work….

Now, to catch you up on all new updates!



During the month of February, I coached 107 individuals through the nutrition component of a wellness challenge at Lync, a local Dallas fitness studio. The results were incredible. If you don’t think you need a healthy community, think again!

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8 

Read all about the participants’ results, here. I might have cried.


This new study sheds light on the importance of a quality diet over quantity. Ah, I’m so excited for there to be a prevalent pipeline of research confirming the concepts I’ve been preaching for years! Welcome to 2018, y’all. Let’s embrace quality fats and grass-fed proteins over those 100 calorie snack pack and skinny popcorns. But, I do love popcorn. 

FOOD: East Hampton, Whole Foods & SnoBaby


  • East Hampton – Pesto Chicken Caprese salad, nixed the cheese and put the dressing on the side. The sun-dried tomatoes provided so much flavor that I forgot all about the sauce. I stole a few chips off my husband’s plate; that’s what they’re for!
  • Whole Foods – I got stuck in rush hour traffic the other day and a case of “hangry” came on real quick. I saw there was a Whole Foods Market right nearby (Thank you, Jesus!) where I could wait it out with my laptop. I had a gift card from a sweet colleague and stocked up on a nutrient snack; massaged spicy kale, cold Brussels, and roasted chicken. NOM. 
  • SnowBaby – this adorable little snow-ice shop opened in Lakewood this weekend. I haven’t had dessert in a minute and couldn’t wait to treat my hubby to a dessert we could both consume! Not only is this half-ice, lowering the calories from a normal ice cream serving to something do-able (hello 800+ calorie Baskin-Robbins), but they also have allergen-friendly options! I had the kid’s size coconut snow-ice with sliced strawberries and Unrefined Bakery’s GF DF cake bites. I savored every bite. 

FRUGAL DEAL OF THE WEEK: Did you see the newest installment of Thrifty Thursday? I posted deals on Safe Catch tuna, Primal Kitchen Mayo and an early-bird special for Whole30 Dallas Duo with these cuties! 


Check out our new guidance program. Each week your inbox will fill with Whitness-Approved recipes including breakfast, smoothie and 3 Mix&Match meals to keep you inspired and on the right path of easily-implemented nutrition! Keep it simple or upgrade to receive a customized weekly plan to accommodate your social calendar, receive a weekly grocery list, or instant 24/7 meal feedback through our patient portal.

 Witness good nutrition by making an appointment. 
Send me a love letter, here:

Food, Fact & Faith – Feb 28th

You know those days where you’re quite certain if you work until dawn, you still won’t even touch your to-do list? Yea, me either….

I spent the last 3 days galavanting all over the metroplex with my mom & aunt. It was worth every unsent email and Santa-length errand list I now have to complete.

parkTime is priceless. But, the time away allowed me to comprise some awesome WWWO around Dallas.

I can’t reiterate how many times I’ve thought of this verse this past week. All while walking in the opposite direction. About that. I try to play God, all the time.  Like, “I don’t need sleep God. I don’t need to rest! I don’t need to plan ahead! I certainly don’t need to go that way you’re pointing me!”

Silly me. And still, every time He has patience! He just waits for me on the bench, smiling with that all-knowing grin. “Whitney, this is the best way.”

Anyone else?

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.



FACT&FOOD: So many inspirational meals this week. I took my family to all my favorite places and took an awkward photo of all my meals just for you. And yes, I did eat almost 5 servings of Brussel sprouts this week. I’m living the dream!


  • Feed Company: built my own meal out of the sides. Two eggs, bacon and Brussel sprouts. Lots of black coffee AND water.
  • Mi Cocina: The new kale salad…the name I can’t recall. I nixed the dressing and cheese; used guacamole as my salad dressing. So good!
  • Flower Child; a three-option bowl which included Brussel sprouts, butternut squash, cauliflower, and salmon.
  • 18th&Vine (Which I often call 9th&Ivy); Two ‘que meal with turkey, chicken and Brussel sprouts. Plus, some pickles from the appetizer. There were leftovers. 
  • HG Sply; built a bowl that included pulled pork, Brussel sprouts, and a macerated kale salad. I left the dressing on the side, I didn’t want to ruin any of the flavors.
  • HopDoddy; farmhouse salad without cheese, added a turkey burger for protein. I also tried the 4 oz Little Larry margarita. I wish every restaurant served margaritas that small; this girl would be one happy, sober, camper.

Let’s be honest, even after making healthier choices, I’m feeling a bit bloated from the sodium and slightly heavier meals than my usual go-to’s. But, I’m so thankful for a city that provides plentiful healthy and allergen-friendly options for everyone to enjoy. I no longer feel guilty about eating out even when the meal choices aren’t up to my home-cooked standards(or over-exercise to compensate for it). Life is too precious for that kind of anxiety.

Tonight, you’ll find me at home happily throwing back some massaged kale.

FRUGAL DEAL OF THE WEEK: Did you see the newest installment of Thrifty Thursday? We posted deals on deals!




Check out our new guidance program. Each week your inbox will fill with Whitness-Approved recipes including breakfast, smoothie and 3 Mix&Match meals to keep you inspired and on the right path of easily-implemented nutrition! Keep it simple or upgrade to receive a customized weekly plan to accommodate your social calendar, receive a weekly grocery list, or instant 24/7 meal feedback via patient portal.



 Witness good nutrition by making an appointment. 
Send me a love letter, here:

Food, Fact & Faith – Love Edition

Good Morning, beautiful! Another Hallmark holiday approaches. I look forward to the excuse to bake all things pink and dole out heart-themed cards.

It doesn’t have to be a forlorn day.

It doesn’t have to relate to your relationship status.

Single, divorced, widowed, or happily married; there’s enough love to spread around. But most importantly, take a moment tomorrow to love yourself.

FAITH:A good reminder that no matter how good the sale or how much you save, the happiness you gain pales in comparison to that which you create from the inside. And that, is ALWAYS free. (4).pngThis time of the year is busy. The 70 hour work weeks are worthwhile because my clients continue to make huge strides. But, I tend to throw off my friends and family in the whirlwind. My bible study group last Thursday reminded me the importance of loving on others.  I am only as strong as the community I invest in. Although I could have used those 2 hours to work on an upcoming lecture, I let go. I listened to the victories and struggles of my friends and opened my heart to them. That night filled me up with strength and love, but it also reminded me how selfish isolation can be. My challenge for you this week is to take a moment each day to invest in something, or someone, else. Ask someone else how they are, call your aunt, visit a friend; just pull your mind out of your own troubles. The Lord reminds us to love our neighbor. I struggle in this area. Struggle along with me?


FACT: Weight Watchers is opening their program to teenagers for free. I have a lot of thoughts on this, but a few like-minded dietitians have already elaborated on it. Read more, here.

I began telling my parents “I’m fat” and “want to diet” in second grade after a few bully encounters. I had a father who was quick to nip those remarks in the bud and reassure me. But, not all parents will know that this Weight Watchers program is detrimental (just like my Mom’s attempt to help me lean out by serving me SlimFast smoothies in middle school), which is the variable that scares me the most. Spread the word, #wakeupweightwatchers


FOOD: Dallas refuses to warm up, thus; it’s soup time! Soup can be done wrong, but I’m here to keep you straight. Let’s pack this with nutrients, fiber, protein, and we can just leave the other stuff behind. Including cold weather.

This week:


Thanks, Jami Boys – An Oregon Cottage for this simple recipe. You can substitute in other vegetables as desired. 6-8 Servings

  • 2 qts. bone broth
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2-3 carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 3-4 small potatoes
  • 2-3 c. additional vegetables (cabbage, green bean, spinach, kale, etc.)
  • 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
  • a pinch to 1/8 tsp cayenne (or to taste – the more you can take, the better)
  • salt & pepper to taste


  • Chop all vegetables into small, even pieces.
  • Combine broth, vegetables, and spices in a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Lower heat and gently cook for 10-15 minutes or until all the vegetables are cooked.
  • Taste to adjust seasonings and serve.

Feel uncomfortable in the kitchen? Utilize a Prim & Prepper session to get yourself set-up for success!

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FRUGAL DEAL OF THE WEEK: Did you see the newest installment of Thrifty Thursday? We posted deals on nut butter, We Yogis & drinkable soup. 

But, new today: Take a Session Pilates class with me this Saturday for $10 instead of the usual $25. Whoa, I know. 

And, join me for a FREE sweat + love muffins Valentine’s Day morning at Lync Cycling. Caveat; you have to be there at 5:45AM. Bring it on, baby!

Looking for a cheaper collagen option? Use code whitnessnutrition on Further Food OR pre-pay here for a wholesale discount to pick-up at Lync Cycling.

Witness good nutrition by making an appointment. Or, check out our new lunch&learn options. Although this was originally created for the office setting, we’re happy to set up talk for parent groups, Mother’s Day out, church assemblies, or around a nice big dining room table of friends. Everyone deserves better health! Let me talk some sense over a nutritious meal. 


Send me a love letter, here:

633 West Davis St. #275 Dallas Texas 75208

Food, Fact & Faith – Feb 5th

Whoa, February. I no longer have the “first month of the year” excuse for over-working and under-resting.


fear.pngEach week I start out in full on “Going with God” mode. I run toward him wholeheartedly, confidently ignoring every distraction around me. But then, I hit a rock, I stumble, dirt on my face and by Wednesday, I feel like I’m dragging my feet in fear, questioning “what IS my purpose, Lord?”. This verse reminds me to pursue Him with all my heart!

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV) fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


FACT: Buying seasonal, local and organic vegetables takes effort. Although I love the idea and aim to eat in this fashion; I would be lying if I said that I avoid grapes from Chili or apples from Brazil. I really like the idea of a local co-op, but something always went awry. There were some that required me to drive to suburban towns (ew), some picked up at the farm itself, or pick-up in a sketchy Church parking lot or they contained a bushel so big I had to split with 5 friends, or I couldn’t keep the box so I stuffed it all in my purse…

ucBut, alas,Farmhouse Delivery has made this easier. They drop right on my doorstep! It was easy, simple, and so fresh the homeless man who steals my Amazon packages had zero interest. Homeless Man-0 Kale-1. 

WWWO (Co-Op edition!) They carry my favorite hummus in the world, along with Siete tortillas (saved for a special treat because $$), Master K Kombucha, cage-free eggs, Pederson’s sugar-free bacon, and a small bushel of amazing vegetables. This week I received grapefruit, a few beet varieties, sweet potatoes, kale, broccoli, spinach & mushrooms. Most of the veggies have already been roasted and thrown into my lunch!

FOOD:  I am on a salad for breakfast kick recently. It makes everyone in my office cringe when I’m chowing down on greens at 8AM. But, it makes me feel so darn good. I just embrace my healthy minority role!



  •  1 1/3 cup chopped peeled butternut squash
  • 1/3 c chopped red onion or shallot
  • 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 12 ounces broccoli slaw salad mix
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1/4 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/4 tsp or more sea salt and black pepper
  • 1/3 cup blueberries
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 avocado (sliced)

First peel and chop your veggies. Slice your avocado if you don’t want to wait till the end. Place chopped squash in steamer on in microwave safe dish with 1 tbsp water. Steam for 2 -2.5 minutes. Cook until tender but not mushy. Remove, drain water, set aside. In a small skillet, place 1 tbsp oil. Heat on medium high and add your onions. Fry for 2 minutes until onions brown.

Next add in your slaw, garlic, salt/pepper, 1 tbsp water, and balsamic vinegar. Mix all together in a skillet. Cover and let cook on medium for about 2-3 minutes. Slaw will be slightly tender but not fully cooked. Remove and place in bowl. Add your squash and 1/3 cup berries to the bowl and toss. Next fry your eggs in the same skillet. Add another 1/2 tbsp oil on medium high heat. Fry until crispy on outside and yolk in orange and round.  4 minutes or less, serve slaw onto plates. Place fried egg on top of each. Add sliced avocado on the side.

Feel uncomfortable in the kitchen? Utilize a Prim & Prepper session to get yourself set-up for success!

Short and sweet this week. I have two Whole30 groups wrapping up and a new community nutrition challenge kicking off. Despite the busy schedule that brings me, it also delivers me SO much joy! I am so impressed by the efforts these individuals are taking to make changes that benefit the rest of their life.

A good reminder that no matter how good the sale or how much you save, the happiness you gain pales in comparison to that which you create from the inside. And that, is ALWAYS free. (3).pngWitness good nutrition by making an appointment. 


We’re happy to set up a talk for parent groups, Mother’s Day out, church assemblies, or around a nice big dining room table of friends. Check out our new lunch&learn options. Everyone deserves better health! Let me visit and talk some sense over a nutritious meal. 

Send me a love letter, here:

633 West Davis St. #275 Dallas Texas 75208

Food, Fact & Faith – Jan 28th

Hello, old friend. Thank you for persistently reading my newsletter. I do hope that you find inspiration, laughter, and even learn a thing or two each week. 2018 brings more community involvement for Whitness Nutrition; read on to see all the new ways you can work with me!

 I was asked to participate in a shoot with Andrea for Bandier & Outdoor Voices content. Although I am really uncomfortable in front of the camera, I knew it would be helpful to have photos with my fellow Whole30Dallas Duo co-coach.

The photo-related anxiety and standards I inflict upon myself for these sessions are ridiculous. Day of, I was shaking. Andrea always soothes my nerves (this is our third time doing a shoot together) and I really tried to focus on anything, but the camera. Which made me remember a really important concept; how my body looks means NOTHING. What my body does is EVERYTHING. The Lord blessed me with these bulky arms and strong legs for a purpose. Whether or not I choose the path he’s laid out for me, it’s there, it’s obvious and it’s uniquely mine.

It was then that I remembered, I should be grateful that he’s made an individualized space for me in a world of millions. Jennie Allen is teaching me all about that purpose. I am created to lift others up, to be a source of safety for those in fear and a stronghold for the weak. Below, you’ll find the smile that came from that realization.


Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Photo Credit: Mary A Hafner. 

FACT: I haven’t posted a WWWO in a really long time. What. The. Heck. Whitney. There are so many amazing new concepts in Dallas and although I’ve been rocking my Whole30, I’ve still been social, and adding to my list of “we must try this”. This list, started in 2009,  is the reason I rarely(never) eat at the same restaurant thrice.  Except for HG Sply, of course. They’re the exception.


Let’s talk about Shwarma and the fact I had NO idea what this greatness is. A bowl of Mediterranean comforts? Sign me up for a daily delivery, please!

Shwarma Bar in Plano has customizable bowls that warm my heart AND soul.

WWWO? No rice (I don’t like it, nor does my digestive system), but hummus, tomato, cucumber, onion, pickled turnip, extra red cabbage, garlic aioli & chicken. There’s a chance a side of vegetables and babaganoush will be ordered to share with my husband. Sharing; my greatest strength!  #onlychild



FOOD: I consistently stress the importance of mastering the basics. Before we spend any time on your nutritional intake, we’re going to discuss your water intake and sleep. Those two components, along with a list of 5-6 others, come before ANYTHING else. This applies to success in the kitchen, as well. Start with the basics!

This week: roast your veggies. It’s the quickest, most versatile way to have vegetables prepped for a variety of meals, all week long! Plus, I can cook these at the same time as my frittata and one pan chicken. When there are three recipes in one oven I have time to brown some turkey, mix up tuna salad, and chop veggies all within my Sunday 90 minute meal prep whirlwind.

Thanks What’s Gaby Cooking for this simple recipe. You can substitute in other vegetables as desired. 

  • 2 cups broccolini
  • 2 cups brussels sprouts
  • 1 cup mushrooms
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (I prefer *avocado oil!)
  • kosher salt
  • freshly cracked black pepper

INSTRUCTIONS *I removed red pepper flakes

  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Cut all the vegetables into about 1-inch pieces and place them on a baking sheet. For easy cleanup, line the baking sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper.
  3. Drizzle the cut veggies with olive oil and season them with salt, pepper and a dash of red pepper flakes.
  4. Give the vegetables a toss to make sure they are evenly coated and evenly spaced out on the pan. Pan into the oven for 25 minutes. Remove the pan, give the vegetables a quick toss with a pair of tongs, back into the oven for at least 5 minutes, or until the vegetables are slightly golden brown.
  5. Remove the vegetables once they are done, and add a squeeze of lemon juice on top if desired.

Feel uncomfortable in the kitchen? Utilize a Prim & Prepper session to get yourself set-up for success!


FRUGAL DEAL OF THE WEEK: Did you see the newest installment of Thrifty Thursday? We posted deals on jerky and sales from Sprouts vs. Whole Foods; what to buy, where! 

But, new today: Lync Cycling is offering a $14/class special that ends tonight. Use code FRIYAY.

While you’re at it, check out the Lync30 program featuring my nutritional guidance! The kick-off is next weekend and I would love to support your health endeavors. Take $5 off with code whitnessnutrition

This is a smart idea: 5 class pack for $70 + Lync30 $39= $109 for a weekly spin, daily Core at home, weekly nutritional guidance, exclusive health codes & coupons, 24/7 access to a dietitian & weekly curated meal plans. Plus, a killer optimized coffee bar & Snap Kitchen giveaway next Saturday!

Witness good nutrition by making an appointment. Or, check out our new lunch&learn options. Although this was originally created for the office setting, we’re happy to set up talk for parent groups, Mother’s Day out, church assemblies, or around a nice big dining room table of friends. Everyone deserves better health! Let me visit and talk some sense over a nutritious meal. 

A good reminder that no matter how good the sale or how much you save, the happiness you gain pales in comparison to that which you create from the inside. And that, is ALWAYS free. (2).png
Send me a love letter, here:

633 West Davis St. #275 Dallas Texas 75208